Buzz BlogHoneycomb News
Closed Victoria Day – May 22nd
Our office will be closed on Monday, May 22nd. The unofficial start to summer, this day is in honour of the long life and reign that made Britain great was born today back in 1819. Let’s take some time off from work, drink some beer and go camping in the rain.
International Design Day!
Have a Helvetica Good Day!
International Design Day is an opportunity to recognize the value of design and its capacity to effect change.
Read a Map Day
Annually, National Read a Map Day on April 5th challenges us to test our skills.
The earliest road map, Britania Atlas, was drawn by cartographer John Ogilby in 1675. Fast forward a few centuries, and my how things have changed! With satellites, GPS, and voice commands, do we know how we get anywhere anymore?
Road maps are still useful…
We are Closed for Good Friday
Our office will be closed on Good Friday. Staff will be enjoying a three-day weekend for Easter.
Don’t eat too much chocolate.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
It’s the day o’green mischief, leprechauns and nectar! The Honeycomb Creative hive is buzzin’ with excitement on this fine St. Patrick’s Day!
Happy Writer’s Day
A backwards poet writes inverse…
International Writers’ Day occurs every year on March 3rd. On this day, reflect on the special role of writers in our society, who constantly provide us with inspiration, guidance, education and enjoyment.
Family Day
Family Day is a holiday in BC and Honeycomb Creative will be closed. Family Day was created to give people time to spend with their families. Since bees have average 2,000 offspring, the busy bees really need that time. What will the Honeycomb bees do with this boon of time off? I am guessing at least one…