Buzz Blog
World Photo Day
World Photo Day is a global celebration of photography that occurs each year on August 19th. This day commemorates Louis Dagerre, who invented this photographic technique and created highly detailed images by using chemicals to etch designs onto silver plates. Artist or family documentarian, this is your day to snap some photos!
British Columbia Day – August 1st
The first Monday in August is a stat holiday known as BC Day. Why? because politicians felt employers should pay for a three-day weekend in August.
Canada Day – July 1st
Friday July 1st is Canada Day and an official three day weekend for everyone Honeycomb Creative.
Happy Pollinator Week
About 75% of all flowering plant species need animal pollinators for reproduction. As a result, pollinators contribute to ecosystem health and a sustainable food supply. Celebrate them this #pollinatorweek!
Building a Website for your Industry Organization that Members will Love
Creating a website for your industry organization is an important task. Your website will be the face of your organization. It is crucial to ensure that it is easy to use and reflects the organization’s culture and values. This article will give you eight simple tips for creating a website that your members will love.
What to consider when developing…
Creating a little ‘buzz’ about our new website.
We just redesigned and rebuilt our Honeycomb Creative website. Our new website started with a new logo design and updated colours. Clematis purple, sunshine yellow and a soft leafy green nod to our hive mindset. Our goal was simple: create an eye-catching site with clean bold colours. Large and small hexagon shapes literally reflect the company name,…
Victoria Day – May 23rd
Our office will be closed on Monday, May 23rd. The unofficial start to summer, this day is in honour of the long life and reign that made Britain great was born today back in 1819 so let’s take some time off from work.
Things to keep in mind when redesigning a website
Your website is one of your most important marketing tools – it’s often the first place potential customers will go to learn about your business. It’s important to take a look at your site and make sure that it can be accessed equally by desktop computers as well as mobile devices. 88% of online consumers are less likely to…
A Quick Turn-Around For Lorval
It is a great feeling to see the end product of your hard work coming together. Lorval Developments Ltd., is a real estate developer focused on exceptional quality and long-term value add.
Lorval’s staff designer sent us layouts for the site in January but the project was stalled until a VP Sales and Marketing was hired. She sent all new…
Closed on Good Friday
Our office will be closed on Good Friday. Staff will be enjoying a three day weekend for Easter.
Don’t eat too much chocolate.