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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to build a website?

Every website is different, but typically most websites are completed in three to five months. Client decisions and content delays can extend that timeline. Although not typical, we can build a website in six to eight weeks.

If you have a deadline or event coming up, let us know and we will do our best to complete your project.

Can you program custom features?

We do an extensive amount of custom programming for clients. From integration with inventory systems to creating custom approval workflows – almost anything is possible. What’s on your wishlist?

Do you provide website hosting?

For the majority of our clients, we provide website hosting. Clients appreciate having one contact to call for all their website needs. You can find more about our website hosting on our Website Support page.

Who do you recommend for email hosting?

Two of the largest email hosting providers are G Suite from Google and Outlook 365 from Microsoft.

Although we don’t provide support services for third-party email, we’re happy to help clients with their MX records setup.

We can also provide email hosting if requested. We have separate servers for email located in a Toronto data centre.

Do you take credit cards?

We accept Visa and Mastercard for all projects. We have accounts for Canadian and US clients so that we may bill clients in their native currency.

Do you ‘out source’ your programming or design?

All projects completed by Honeycomb Creative are worked on by ‘salaried’ staff working remotely across Canada and the United States. We used to have an office for staff, but then COVID happened, and remote work became standard for most digital work. We miss having an office, and look forward to the future.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, we can discuss custom payment plans if necessary. We do not require large deposits and most clients are happy with our standard payment terms. And yes, we do accept credit cards. We also have the ability for direct bank payments.

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Have a question we haven’t answered here?

Feel free to contact us with your questions and we will get back to you with a response as soon as possible!

Allen Haslinger Allen Haslinger Partner at Honeycomb Creative Inc.

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