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Girl Guides of Canada

Who is Girl Guides of Canada?

Girl Guides is a catalyst for girls empowering girls. They provide girls aged 5-17 with the opportunity to try new experiences, challenge themselves and build their confidence, all within a safe environment. The volunteers help deliver a unique program that encourages girls to build life skills in outdoor adventure, financial literacy, mental health, advocacy and more. Building a better world, by girls.

About the Project

The website design features a natural, handmade, upcycled look while adhering to requirements of the Girl Guides Canada branding. Images of torn paper, wood, crests and badges add whimsy. Hand-drawn fonts and funny captions help reinforce the fun nature of Girl Guides. If you look at the blog and events posts the borders of the images dynamically match the image within. An effort was spent making the website content easy for leaders to add. Custom fields come up depending on what type of post you are making. If a pdf video or link are added the content displays differently.

Allen Haslinger Allen Haslinger Partner at Honeycomb Creative Inc.

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