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Websites · Corporate / Marketing

Harris Exploration

Who is Harris Exploration?

Harris Exploration is a trusted source for drilling and installation services in California, Nevada and Arizona, with certifications recognized by the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association.

Harris Exploration specializes in various drilling solutions, from mineral exploration to water well recovery and geotechnical engineering.

Why a new website?

Earth Drilling bought a US Drilling company and wanted a similar website to theirs with detailed information on their drill rigs, and a detailed job order. The previous website had almost no company information.

About the Project

The quantity of content was increased by delving into Harris Exploration’s services, industries, health and safety programs and community involvement. The design of the Harris Exploration site is a small variation from its associated company, Earth Drilling. Bright graphics implying mountains in their corporate colours break up the website design.

Custom Features

  • Drill Rig List
  • Detailed Job Order
Allen Haslinger Allen Haslinger Partner at Honeycomb Creative Inc.

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