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Websites · Corporate / Marketing

Kettle River Timberworks Ltd.

Who is Kettle River Timberworks Ltd.?

Kettle River timberworks ltd. creates stunning timber frame and heavy timber structures throughout B.C. and the Pacific Northwest. They are known for custom designs, technical fabrication, and installation of architectural timberwork.

Why a new website?

They wanted a better project showcase.

Were there any special client requirements?

Kettle river timber often works in remote places, adding a build locations map was a way to visibly demonstrate project locations. The Concept to Completion page is a timeline chronicling each step in the creation of their projects used to explain project timelines and Kettle Rivers process to potential customers.

About the Project

The simplistic layout of the website allows their craftsmanship to shine and be the focal point of the website. The website features an extensive gallery showcasing their past projects.

Custom Features

  • We spent time ensuring that the individual project portfolio pages would look like pages from a portfolio book. The programming sorts the images into aesthetically pleasing pages depending on the number of horizontal and vertical images in the gallery.
Allen Haslinger Allen Haslinger Partner at Honeycomb Creative Inc.

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