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Websites · Corporate / Marketing

Nightingale Electrical Ltd.

Who is Nightingale Electrical Ltd.?

Nightingale Electrical Ltd was founded in 1984 by Doug Nightingale. The company is currently located in an 8,000 square foot facility in Richmond, BC. Their consistent and steady growth is the result of careful business planning, creating and maintaining lasting relationships, and building a diverse construction, commercial, and residential portfolio.

Why a new website?

The client had two websites and needed to combine them into one and it had been a number of years since the last website was built.

Were there any special client requirements?

We had to merge two existing websites into one comprehensive website. The recruiting/careers was a strong focus of the website.


Honeycomb Creative put up with complicated customer dynamics and made our project a success.

Doug N.
Nightingale Electrical Ltd.
Richmond, BC

Custom Features

  • We included many custom fields so that it was easy for the client to enter information in a consistent format. The most difficult part of this project was programming for the angled design. The client wanted dynamic or animation features.
Allen Haslinger Allen Haslinger Partner at Honeycomb Creative Inc.

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